miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021

2021-2022 : 4º ESO A SS: Lessons

Diario                                         ODFS                                   Gestión Global                                              Roles de Equipos

Tareas a Medio Plazo (3rd Term)

  1. Valoración del Trabajo en Grupo durante el 3er trimestre
    1. Vas a valorar como ha sido el trabajo de las otras personas de tu grupo durante el tercer trimestre
    2. Para ello, tienes que entrar primero en tu cuenta de gmail y permanecer conectado durante el proceso.
    3. Abre el Libro de Hoja de Cálculo, pinchando AQUÍ [YA OPERATIVO desde el 15/06 (11:50) hasta el 17/06 (18:00)]
    4. En la primera hoja (Valoración Grupal) del Libro:
      1. Lee y entiende bien el Cuadro Rojo
      2. Ha click en tu nombre para ir a tu hoja (tiene tu número puesto)
      3. Ponle una nota del 1 al 5 a los otros miembros de tu grupo (según las instrucciones del Cuadro Rojo)
      4. Salte de la celda última que hayas escrito
      5. Puedes cerrar la tabla
    5. Vuelve a entrar para comprobar que se han grabado los datos en tu hoja (solo es un momento)

Recuperaciones Finales (Extraordinarias)1st, 2nd and 3rd Term (Also deadlines to present 1st, 2nd and 3rd term homework -digital and paper-) 
Informados los alumnos interesados en la Biblioteca el 14/06/2019, pueden ver en este documento esa información. 
Importante también, es este otro documento: organización de la clase de mañana (incluye posición de los alumnos en el aula, como se entregarán los exámenes, el orden de las presentaciones pendientes de realizar -incluyendo dos de Valores Éticos-, y la forma de entregar trabajos atrasados (Tanto de CSO como de Valores Éticos)

  1. Temas 00-01: 17/06/2019 ( 0 Alumnos: informado en clase) 
  2. Tema 02: 17/06/2019 ( 0 Alumnos: informados en clase) 
  3. Tema 01 (04-06)-Tema 04: 17/06/2019 ( 7 Alumnos: informados en clase
  4. Oral presentations Tema 01 (04-06)-Tema 04: 17/06/2019 (0 Alumnos) 
  5. Oral presentations History of Art: T01-T03: 17/06/2019 ( 0 Alumnos)
  6. Tema 03: 17/06/2019 ( 1 Alumno: informado en clase)
  7. Tema 08: 17/06/2019 ( 5 Alumnos: informados en clase)
  8. Mapa de Europa (Físico-Político): 17/06/2019 (2 Alumnas: informadas en clase)
  9. Oral presentations Tema 08: 18/06/2019 ( ?? Alumnos: informado en clase)
  10. Oral presentations History of Art: T04-T07: 17/06/2019 ( 0 Alumnos)
  11. Tema 05: 17/06/2019 ( 2 Alumnos: informados en clase)
  12. Tema 06: 17/06/2019 ( 2 Alumnos: informados en clase)
  13. Temas 07-09-10: 17/06/2019 ( 4 Alumnos: informados en clase)
  14. Tema 11: 17/06/2019 ( 7 Alumnos: informados en clase)
  15. Oral presentations Tema 12: 18/06/2019 ( ?? Alumnos: informados en clase)
  16. Oral presentations History of Art: T08-T11: 17/06/2019 ( 0 Alumnos)
Recuperaciones 1st and 2nd Term (Also deadlines to present 1st and 2nd term homework -digital and paper-)
  1. Oral presentations Tema 08: 17/06/2019 ( 1 Alumnos: Nº: 7: informado en clase)
Oral Presentations 3rd Term

  1. History of Spain [U12]: OP: 10-11-12/06/2019 [Draft: 08/06/2019]. Exam: 12/06/2019
    1. List of assignments for student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
    2. Form for questions and answers (Short answers -2 to 5 lines- on your topic): you have to fill in the form twice, one for each one of your two questions. (Deadline: Friday, 07/06/2019: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
    3. Definitive List of 28 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
      1. Simple presentation with Quizlet software, very helpful for preparing the test (available for mobile phones, downloading the app Quizlet from Google Play). It is also for improving your listening skills in English since they can be read for you)
        Spanish: https://quizlet.com/_6cslnl
    4. TB: T12: Esquema (4 A4 ambas carillas): DL: 01/05/2019
    Home and Class Reading
    1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)

    Trabajos Voluntarios (Fin de Trimestre)

    Trabajos Voluntarios que se pueden entregar para mejorar la nota

    Actividades Extraescolares

    • Legere Aude Project (Plan de Lectura y Biblioteca)

      • Reading in groups in the Library
        • Once a week (for details have a look to the timetable to the right of the Library Door)
        • Currently reading: Eloísa está debajo de un Almendro
          • Last reading: García Lorca, Federico, Bodas de Sangre, 1931
        • Assistants and readers will get extra + points in Attitude
          • 1 + for every time you assist to a reading session
          • 2 + when you assist to 80% or more of the sessions for one book
    • Ruta de Senderismo: Ruta de los Vinateros (05/04/2019-->09/05/2019): 
      1. Ver a la entrada del blog sobre la actividad para ver las tareas a realizar. DL: 29/05/2019 (El trabajo debe ser digital, en tu carpeta compartida)
    • Semana Cultural (11-12/04/2019):
    • Proyección de Película (20190411): Canciones para después de una guerra (Dir. Basilio Martín Patino, España, 1971 -estrenada 1976-)
      1. Asistencia voluntaria
        1. Casa de la Cultura: 11/4/2019: 19:00 horas
      2. Trabajo individual voluntario
        1. Notas tomadas en la presentación y el diálogo posterior si lo hubiese: (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed)): DL: 29/04/2019
        2. Reseña de la película con valoración personal (max. 200 palabras): Digital: DL: 30/04/2019
    • Viaje de Fin de Curso (25-29/04/2019): DL: 31/05/2019
      1. Trabajo Voluntario: se pueden subir hasta 5 fotografías del viaje, que incluyan algún aspecto del patrimonio cultural o natural disfrutado en el Viaje. En un documento (una tabla de hoja de calculo) se especifica el nombre del fichero de la foto, y el elemento patrimonial fotografiado, su ubicación, así como la fecha de la foto, y el autor de la misma. Alojarlo en vuestra carpeta individual, en una subcarpeta con el nómbre "Viaje a París 2019 -01-" (En 01 vuestro nº de alumno). Compartid esa carpeta con la dirección corchopatrimonio@gmail.com.

    Tema 11: El mundo desde 1945 hasta la actualidad: Examen: 20190610

    1. List of assignments for student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
    2. Leer este documento para recordar cómo se hace un resumen (solo hay que leer de las pp. 3 a la 5. Lo demás son ejemplos)
    3. Form for summaries (Short summaries -7 to 10 lines- on your topic): you have to fill in the form once, or twice if you have an extra topic -Voluntary-. (Deadline: Thursday, 06/06/2019: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
    4. Definitive List of 21 Summaries for the test (Chart form) (Pdf)
    5. Definitive List of 21 Summaries for the test (Text form) (Pdf)
    6. TB: T11: Esquema (4 A4 ambas carillas): DL: 05/06/2019


    Tareas a Medio Plazo (Histórico-3º Trimestre)

    Recuperaciones 1st and 2nd Term (Also deadlines to present 1st and 2nd term homework -digital and paper-)
    1. Temas 00-01: 07/06/2019 ( 1 Alumno: informado en clase) 
    2. Tema 02: 28/05/2019 ( 5 Alumnos: informados en clase) 
    3. Tema 01 (04-06)-Tema 04: 03/06/2019 ( 9 Alumnos: informados en clase) 
    4. Oral presentations Tema 01 (04-06)-Tema 04: 10/06/2019 (0 Alumnos) 
    5. Oral presentations History of Art: T01-T03: 10/06/2019 ( 0 Alumnos)
    6. Tema 03: 05/06/2019 ( 5 Alumnos: informados via email e informados en clase)
    7. Tema 08: 11/06/2019 ( 8 Alumnos: informados en clase)
    8. Mapa de Europa (Físico-Político): 11/06/2019 (3 Alumnas: informadas en clase)
    9. Oral presentations History of Art: T04-T07: 10/06/2019 ( 0 Alumnos)

    Oral Presentations 3rd Term

    1. H
    2. History of Ärt (U08-U11): OP: 28/05/2019 (Draft: 05/05/2019)
      1. List of assignments for group and student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
      2. Cuadernillo Historia Arte: T08-T11: Esquema (2 A4 ambas carillas): DL: 06/05/2019

    Tema 05: Imperialismo, guerra y revolución: Examen: 20190508-22

    1. List of assignements and deadlines
      1. Esquemas y Outlines
      2. Ejercicios y Activities
      3. English sheets about Industrial Revolution
        1. Sheet 01: Imperialism -some texts-
        2. Sheet 02: Train stations in London
      4. CANVA Posters (Oral Presentations by pairs)
        1. List of assignments for pair of students and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
        2. Posters presented by pairs of students
        3. Form for questions and answers (Multiple choice questions -4 options of which just one is correct- on your topic): you have to fill in the form three times, one for each one of your questions. (Deadline: Sunday, 24/03/2019: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
        4. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
          1. Quiz Test with the questions (in this blog))
      5. Glosario
        1. Listado de palabras por definir y que se pueden preguntar en el examen
        2. Defining in History (Spanish)
        3. Formulario para enviar las definiciones (DL: 13/05/2019, 18:00 para las que entran en el examen -2 por alumno/a-)
          1. Definiciones realizadas por los alumnos
          2. Listado definitivo (corregido) de términos y palabras que se pueden preguntar en el examen
      6. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
        1. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
      7. Reading
        1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)
          1. Chapters 2-2, 2-3 and 3-1 (DL: 02/04/2019)
    2. Resources for studying
      1. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
      2. Listado definitivo (corregido) de términos y palabras que se pueden preguntar en el examen
      3. T05: Recursos: Vídeos, audios
      4. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (2/3)
      5. Imperialism (Article in Wikipedia)
      6. Esquema de Historia Económica
      7. Changes in the world political organization through the last 200 years
      8. Brailsford, Henry Noel; The War of Steel and Gold. A Study of the Armed PeaceG. Bell & Sons, Ltd., London, 1918 (3rd Ed.; 1st Ed. = 1914)
      9. Imperialism (Crash Course, World History, 35)
      10. Imperialism (Khan Academy, World History) -2017-
      11. Le Petit Journal on Fashoda

    Tema 06: El mundo de entreguerras: Examen: 20190529

    1. List of assignements and deadlines
      1. Esquemas y Outlines
      2. Ejercicios y Activities
      3. English sheets about Industrial Revolution
        1. Sheet 01: Interwars Period -Outline-
        2. Sheet 02: Interwars Period: Some texts
      4. CANVA Posters (Oral Presentations by pairs)
        1. List of assignments for pair of students and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
        2. Posters presented by pairs of students
        3. Form for questions and answers (Multiple choice questions -4 options of which just one is correct- on your topic): you have to fill in the form three times, one for each one of your questions. (Deadline: Wednesday, 23/05/2019: 17:00:00)--> Answers Sheet
        4. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
          1. Quiz Test with the questions (in this blog))
      5. Glosario
        1. Listado de palabras por definir y que se pueden preguntar en el examen
        2. Defining in History (Spanish)
        3. Formulario para enviar las definiciones (DL: 23/05/2019, 21:00 para las que entran en el examen -2 por alumno/a- DL: 27/03/2019, 23:59:59 para las que no entran en el examen)
          1. Definiciones realizadas por los alumnos
          2. Listado definitivo (corregido) de términos y palabras que se pueden preguntar en el examen
      6. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
        1. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
      7. Reading
        1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)
          1. Chapters 2-2, 2-3 and 3-1 (DL: ??/04/2019)
    2. Resources for studying
      1. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
      2. Listado definitivo (corregido) de términos y palabras que se pueden preguntar en el examen
      3. T06: Recursos: Vídeos, audios
      4. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (2/3)
      5. Completo desarrollo del Tema (para quien quiera saber más)
      6. Esquema de Historia Económica

    Tema 07: La Segunda Guerra Mundial: Examen: 20190604
    Tema 09: La Guerra Fría: Examen: 20190604
    Tema 10: La Descolonización: Examen: 20190604

    1. List of assignements and deadlines
      1. Esquemas y Outlines
      2. Ejercicios y Activities
      3. English sheets about Second WW and Cold War
      4. Oral Presentations by groups -in Spanish-
        1. List of assignments for pair of students and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
        2. Digital Presentations presented by groups of students
        3. Definitive List of 120 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
          1. Quiz Test with the questions (in this blog)
      5. Glosario
        1. Listado de palabras por definir y que se pueden preguntar en el examen
        2. Defining in History (Spanish)
        3. Formulario para enviar las definiciones (DL: ??/0?/2019, 20:00 para las que entran en el examen -2 por alumno/a-)
          1. Definiciones realizadas por los alumnos
      6. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
        1. Definitive List of 120 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
      7. Reading
        1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)
          1. Chapters 2-2, 2-3 and 3-1 (DL: 02/04/2019)
    2. Resources for studying
      1. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
      2. T07: Recursos: Vídeos, audios
      3. T09: Recursos: Vídeos, audios
      4. T10: Recursos: Vídeos, audios
      5. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (3/3)

      6. Esquema de Historia Económica

    Tema 11: El mundo desde 1945 hasta la actualidad: Examen: 20190610 (20190612)

    1. List of assignments for student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
    2. Leer este documento para recordar cómo se hace un resumen (solo hay que leer de las pp. 3 a la 5. Lo demás son ejemplos)
    3. Form for summaries (Short summaries -7 to 10 lines- on your topic): you have to fill in the form once, or twice if you have an extra topic -Voluntary-. (Deadline: Thursday, 06/06/2019: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
    4. Definitive List of 21 Summaries for the test (Chart form) (Pdf)
    5. Definitive List of 21 Summaries for the test (Text form) (Pdf)
    6. TB: T11: Esquema (4 A4 ambas carillas): DL: 05/06/2019


    Tareas a Medio Plazo (2nd Term)

    1. Valoración del Trabajo en Grupo durante el 2º trimestre
      1. Vas a valorar como ha sido el trabajo de las otras personas de tu grupo durante el primer trimestre
      2. Para ello, tienes que entrar primero en tu cuenta de gmail y permanecer conectado durante el proceso.
      3. Abre el Libro de Hoja de Cálculo, pinchando AQUÍ
      4. En la primera hoja (Valoración Grupal) del Libro:
        1. Lee y entiende bien el Cuadro Rojo
        2. Ha click en tu nombre para ir a tu hoja (tiene tu número puesto)
        3. Ponle una nota del 1 al 5 a los otros miembros de tu grupo (según las instrucciones del Cuadro Rojo)
        4. Salte de la celda última que hayas escrito
        5. Puedes cerrar la tabla
      5. Vuelve a entrar para comprobar que se han grabado los datos en tu hoja (solo es un momento)

    Oral Presentations 2nd Term
    1. History of Spain [U08]: OP: 12, 13 y 25/03/2019 [Draft: 06/03/2019]. Exam: 25/03/2019
      1. List of assignments for student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
      2. Form for questions and answers (Short answers -2 to 5 lines- on your topic): you have to fill in the form twice, one for each one of your two questions. (Deadline: Sunday, 13/03/2019: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
      3. Definitive List of 28 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
        1. Simple presentation with Quizlet software, very helpful for preparing the test (available for mobile phones, downloading the app Quizlet from Google Play). It is also for improving your listening skills in English since they can be read for you)
          Spanish: https://quizlet.com/_6cslnl
      4. TB: T08: Esquema (4 A4 ambas carillas): DL: 04/03/2019 y 12-13/03/2019
    2. History of Ärt (U04-U07): OP: 26/03/2019 (Draft: 20/02/2019)
      1. List of assignments for group and student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
      2. Cuadernillo Historia Arte: T04-T07: Esquema (2 A4 ambas carillas): DL: 13/03/2019
    1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)

    Actividades Extraescolares

    • Legere Aude Project (Plan de Lectura y Biblioteca)

      • Reading in groups in the Library
        • Once a week (for details have a look to the timetable to the right of the Library Door)
        • Currently reading: García Lorca, Federico, Bodas de Sangre, 1931
        • Assistants and readers will get extra + points in Attitude
          • 1 + for every time you assist to a reading session
          • 2 + when you assist to 80% or more of the sessions for one book
    Tema 05: Imperialismo, guerra y revolución: Examen: 20190409

    1. List of assignements and deadlines
      1. Esquemas y Outlines
      2. Ejercicios y Activities
      3. English sheets about Industrial Revolution
        1. Sheet 01: Imperialism -some texts-
        2. Sheet 02: Train stations in London
      4. CANVA Posters (Oral Presentations by pairs)
        1. List of assignments for pair of students and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
        2. Posters presented by pairs of students
        3. Form for questions and answers (Multiple choice questions -4 options of which just one is correct- on your topic): you have to fill in the form three times, one for each one of your questions. (Deadline: Sunday, 24/03/2019: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
        4. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
          1. Quiz Test with the questions (in this blog))
          2. Simple presentation with Quizlet software, very helpful for preparing the test (available for mobile phones, downloading the app Quizlet from Google Play). It is also for improving your listening skills in English since they can be read for you)
      5. Glosario
        1. Listado de palabras por definir y que se pueden preguntar en el examen
        2. Defining in History (Spanish)
        3. Formulario para enviar las definiciones (DL: 13/05/2019, 18:00 para las que entran en el examen -2 por alumno/a-)
          1. Definiciones realizadas por los alumnos
      6. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
        1. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
      7. Reading
        1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)
          1. Chapters 2-2, 2-3 and 3-1 (DL: 02/04/2019)
    2. Resources for studying
      1. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
      2. T05: Recursos: Vídeos, audios
      3. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (2/3)
      4. Imperialism (Article in Wikipedia)
      5. Esquema de Historia Económica
      6. Changes in the world political organization through the last 200 years
      7. Brailsford, Henry Noel; The War of Steel and Gold. A Study of the Armed PeaceG. Bell & Sons, Ltd., London, 1918 (3rd Ed.; 1st Ed. = 1914)
      8. Imperialism (Crash Course, World History, 35)
      9. Imperialism (Khan Academy, World History) -2017-
      10. Le Petit Journal on Fashoda

    Tema 06: El mundo de entreguerras: Examen: 20190506


    Tareas a Medio Plazo (Histórico-2º Trimestre)

    Recuperaciones 1st Term (Also deadlines to present 1st term homework -digital and paper-)

    1. Temas 00-01: 21/01/2019 (2 Alumnos: 03 y 09) 
    2. Tema 02: 18/02/2019 (8 Alumnos: 03, 05, 06, 07, 09, 11, 12 y 13) 
    3. Tema 01 (04-06)-Tema 04: 30/01/2019 (9 Alumnos: 01, 03, 05, 07, 09, 11, 12, 13 y 15) 
    4. Oral presentations Tema 01 (04-06)-Tema 04: 22/01/2019 (1 Alumno: 07) 
    5. Oral presentations History of Art: T01-T03: 18/02/2019 (0 alumnos)
    Mapa Europa: Físico y Político: Examen: 20190219
    1. Mapas base para estudiar aquí
    2. Trabajo Voluntario individual digital: listado en hoja de cálculo (2 hojas en el mismo libro) de Europa Política (incluir países que pertenecen a la UE) y Física (Español e inglés): Deadline: 20190218

    Tema 03: Revolución Industrial: Examen: 20190320

    1. List of assignements and deadlines
      1. Esquemas y Outlines
      2. Ejercicios y Activities
      3. English sheets about Industrial Revolution
        1. Sheet 01: Agrarian change in Britain
        2. Sheet 02: Industrial Revolution and the Urban Revolution (Urban Game)
        3. Sheet 03: Industrial Revolution working class conditions
      4. CANVA Posters (Oral Presentations by pairs)
        1. List of assignments for pair of students and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
        2. Posters presented by students pairs
        3. Form for questions and answers (Multiple choice questions -4 options of which just one is correct- on your topic): you have to fill in the form three times, one for each one of your questions. (Deadline: Sunday, 13/01/2019: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
        4. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
          1. Quiz Test with the questions (in this blog))
      5. Glosario
        1. Listado de palabras por definir y que se pueden preguntar en el examen
        2. Defining in History (Spanish)
        3. Formulario para enviar las definiciones (DL: 13/03/2019)
          1. Definiciones realizadas por los alumnos
      6. Preguntas Tipo-Test
        1. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
          1. Quiz Test with the questions (in this blog))
      7. Reading
        1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)
          1. Chapters 1 and 2-1 (DL: 15/03/2019)
    2. Resources for studying
      1. Posters presented by students pairs
      2. Cuestionario de Preguntas Tipo Test sobre el tema
        1. Definitive List of 42 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
      3. Glosario
        1. Listado de palabras por definir y que se pueden preguntar en el examen
        2. Definiciones realizadas por los alumnos
      4. T03: Recursos: Vídeos, audios
      5. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (2/3)

    Actividades Extraescolares

    • Conferencia: Las Claves del Arte del Siglo XX por José Carlos Suárez Fernández
      1. Asistencia voluntaria
        1. Casa de la Cultura: 8/1/2019: 19:00 horas
      2. Trabajo individual voluntario
        1. Notas tomadas en la conferencia: (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed)): DL: 14/01/2019
        2. Resumen de la Conferencia con valoración personal (max. 200 palabras): Digital: DL: 13/01/2019
    • Conferencia: Las Migraciones a través del Cine por José Carlos Suárez Fernández

      1. Asistencia voluntaria
        1. Casa de la Cultura: 5/3/2019: 18:30 horas
      2. Trabajo individual voluntario
        1. Notas tomadas en la conferencia: (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed)): DL: 13/03/2019
        2. Resumen de la Conferencia con valoración personal (max. 200 palabras): Digital: DL: 13/03/2019


    Tareas a Medio Plazo (Histórico)

    1. Valoración del Trabajo en Grupo durante el trimestre
      1. Vas a valorar como ha sido el trabajo de las otras personas de tu grupo durante el primer trimestre
      2. Para ello, tienes que entrar primero en tu cuenta de gmail y permanecer conectado durante el proceso.
      3. Abre el Libro de Hoja de Cálculo, pinchando AQUÍ
      4. En la primera hoja (Valoración Grupal) del Libro:
        1. Lee y entiende bien el Cuadro Rojo
        2. Ha click en tu nombre para ir a tu hoja (tiene tu número puesto)
        3. Ponle una nota del 1 al 5 a los otros miembros de tu grupo (según las instrucciones del Cuadro Rojo)
        4. Salte de la celda última que hayas escrito
        5. Puedes cerrar la tabla
      5. Vuelve a entrar para comprobar que se han grabado los datos en tu hoja (solo es un momento)

    Oral Presentations 1st Term

    1. History of Spain [U01 (04-06) - U04]: 
      1. List of assignments for student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
      2. Form for questions and answers (Short answers -2 to 5 lines- on your topic): you have to fill in the form twice, one for each one of your two questions. (Deadline: Sunday, 02/12/2018: 23:59:59)--> Answers Sheet
      3. Definitive List of 28 Questions and answers for the test (Pdf)
        1. Simple presentation with Quizlet software, very helpful for preparing the test (available for mobile phones, downloading the app Quizlet from Google Play). It is also for improving your listening skills in English since they can be read for you)
      4. TB: T04: Esquema (4 A4 ambas carillas): DL: 10/12/2018
    2. History of Ärt (U01-U03)
      1. List of assignments for group and student and rubric for marking during the Oral Presentation
    Spanish Constitution 40th Aniversary Project

    French Revolution (Texts and Exercises): DL 20181202: 22:30
      1. Text (p.1) on The Declaration of the Rights of Man: personal folder (Digital)
      2. Exercise 1 (p.2): Chronology of the French Revolution: personal folder (Digital)
      3. Exercise 2 (pp. 2-3): Text 1 to 3: Questions A, B, C, D and E: Group Folder (Digital)
      4. Exercise 2 (p. 3): Text 4: personal folder (digital)

    1. Homework collected (paperwork):
      1. U08: Oral presentations
        1. Esquemas de la Unidad en 4 A4 (aquellos que no lo presentaron el 04/03/2019)
        2. Outlines for Oral Presentations (after the presentation)
    2. Classwork collected (paperwork)
      1. U08: Oral presentations.
        1. Notes taken during oral presentations.
    3. Homework for wednesday, 20190313
      1. Key Concepts: U05: 03: Outline (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
      2. TextBook: T05: Ejercicios: 16, 17, 19, 21 y 22. Texto p. 127. Texto p. 131: (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))


      Tarea de clase por ausencia del profesor:

      1. Fotocopia Sheet 04: sobre las condiciones de los trabajadores en la Revolución Industrial y el origen del movimiento obrero. 
        1. Debéis hacerla, individualmente, durante la hora, escribiendo las respuestas al dorso de la fotocopia. Al final de la clase se entregan al profesor de Guardia, quien, por favor, me las deja en mi casillero.
        2. Podéis usar los libros para las preguntas y buscar palabras en el ordenador de la clase, si quieren.

      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 14, 15 y 16, 20, 23, 34 y 35. (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 02: Activities: p. 25 y Act. 4 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
      2. Reorganización de fechas de pruebas:
        1. T01-T04: Recuperación: 30/01/2019
        2. T03: 04/02/2019
        3. T02: Recuperación: 11/02/2019
      3. Sorteo de Presentaciones del Trimestre:
        1. History of Spain: U08 (Explanation to be continued)
        2. History of Art: U04-U07
      4. Propuestas de mejora para el trimestre
      5. Posters Oral presentations
        1. Pair 1: The origins of the Industrial Revolution
        2. Pair 2: The First Industrial Revolution
        3. Pair 3: The Transports Revolution
      6. Industrial Revolution
        1. Concept and importance
        2. Agricultural revolution
          1. Read Sheet 01
      7. Reading:
        1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)
          1. Chapter 1-2
            1. 6 lines -maximum- summary in your digital folder (23/01/2019: 22:00)
      8. Homework for wednesday, 20190123 (and 20190124 and 20190126):
        1. TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 21, 24, 29, 30 y 31: (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        2. Sheet 01: Outline (DIGITAL): 1 Text document (1 page) (23/01/2019: 22:00)
        3. Reading: Summary (DIGITAL): 6 Lines maximum (23/01/2019: 22:00)
        4. GRUPAL-DIGITAL: TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 36, 37 y 38 (DIGITAL: 1 Text document (as much pages as needed)) (24/01/2019: 21:00)
        5. GRUPAL-DIGITAL: Key Concepts: U03: Ejercicios: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (DIGITAL: 1 Text document (as much pages as needed)) (26/01/2019: 21:00)
      9. Homework for monday, 20190128:
        1. TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 17 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 02: Activities: 1 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))


      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 7 y 8. Texto p. 73. Texto p. 74 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 02: Activities: p. 20, 3 y 6 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
      2. Sorteo de Presentaciones del Trimestre:
        1. History of Spain: U08 (Explanation to be continued)
        2. History of Art: U04-U07
      3. Propuestas de mejora para el trimestre
      4. Posters Oral presentations
        1. Pair 1: The origins of the Industrial Revolution
        2. Pair 2: The First Industrial Revolution
        3. Pair 3: The Transports Revolution
      5. Industrial Revolution
        1. Concept and importance
        2. Agricultural revolution
          1. Read Sheet 01
      6. Reading:
        1. Hard Times (by Charles Dickens. 1854)
          1. Chapter 1-1
            1. 6 lines -maximum- summary in your digital folder (17/01/2019: 20:00)
      7. Homework for wednesday, 20190116 (and 20190117 and 20190120):
        1. TextBook: T03: 06-08: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 02: Outline (Paper: 1 A4, one side)
        3. Sheet 01: Outline (DIGITAL): 1 Text document (1 page) (17/01/2019: 21:00)
        4. Reading: Summary (DIGITAL): 6 Lines maximum (17/01/2019: 20:00)
        5. GRUPAL-DIGITAL: TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 26, 27 y 28 (DIGITAL: 1 Text document (as much pages as needed)) (20/01/2019: 20:00)
      8. Homework for monday, 20190121:
        1. TextBook: T03: 09: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, 1 side)
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 03: Outline (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
        3. TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, y 25. Texto p. 80. Texto p. 82 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        4. Key Concepts: U03: 02: Activities: p. 23, 2 y 5 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))


      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. TextBook: T03: 04-05: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 01: Outline (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
      2. Sorteo de Presentaciones del Trimestre:
        1. History of Spain: U08 (Explanation to be continued)
        2. History of Art: U04-U07
      3. Propuestas de mejora para el trimestre
      4. Posters Oral presentations
        1. Pair 1: The origins of the Industrial Revolution
      5. Industrial Revolution
        1. Concept and importance
        2. First Industrial Revolution
        3. Transports Revolution
      6. Homework for tuesday, 20190115:
        1. TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 7 y 8. Texto p. 73. Texto p. 74 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 02: Activities: p. 20, 3 y 6 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        3. Read Sheet 01
      7. Homework for wednesday, 20190116:
        1. TextBook: T03: 06-08: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
        2. Key Concepts: U03: 02: Outline (Paper: 1 A4, one side)
        3. Sheet 01: Outline (DIGITAL): 1 Text document (1 page)
        4. Reading: Summary (DIGITAL): 6 Lines maximum
      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. TextBook: T03: 1, 2, 3, 4 (con fuentes de info.) y 19. Texto p. 67 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        2. TextBook: T03: 03: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, 1 side)
        3. TextBook: T03: 01-02: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, both sides): exceptionally for those students did not present it on 20181217.
      2. Sorteo de Presentaciones del Trimestre:
        1. History of Spain: U08
        2. History of Art: U04-U07
      3. Propuestas de mejora para el trimestre
      4. safaf
      5. Homework for wednesday, 2019019:
        1. TextBook: T03: Ejercicios: 5, 6, 18, 22, 32 y 33 (Paper (A4: as much pages as needed))
        2. Read Sheet 01

      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. TextBook: T04: Esquema (Paper: 4 A4, both sides)
        2. Class Notes for the Unit 02.
      2. Paperwork not presented during the term
        1. Review
      3. Book Maintenance
        1. Review
      4. T02: Exam
      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. TextBook: T02: Texto p. 48, Texto p. 50 (Paper: A4)
        2. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 6, 7, 8, 20, 21 y 22 (Paper: A4)
        3. TextBook: T02: 06, 07 y 08: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
        4. Key Concepts: U02: 03 and 04: Outline (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
      2. Spanish Constitution 40th Aniversary Project (vide supra): Drafts Review
      3. History of Spain Oral Presentations:
        1. Questions (only 6 people have sent the questions/answers)
        2. Oral Presentations: Review
          1. How to reference a book.
      4. Review of Crown's increasing power during the Early Modern Age alongside with ever demanding need of resources (money) to support it (War, State and Court)
          • ---> new ways to collect money (War, new taxes)
          • ---> Bourgueoisie increased in numbers, as a result of new economic opportunities.
        1. The result was Absolut Monarchy, but not everywhere (in England, Bourgueoisie reach power after 1689: a new model of organization: Parliamentary Monarchy)
        2. Both, in France and England (now Great Britain, after the joining with Scotland in 1707) continued wars lead to 1763 (no enough money in the State to pay increasing expenses. State debts increased very quickly)
          1. In Great Britain, increasing tax pressure on American colonists--> US Independence
          2. In France, increasing state (King) debt (even bigger after supporting american colonists against GB)--> increasing tax pressure -->French Revolution
      5. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (1/3)
      6. Pagán's Review presentation on the Unit 02
      7. Text on French Revolution by Peter Davies, 2009 [2014]
      8. Homework for tuesday, 20181204:
        1. TextBook: T02: Texto p. 55 (Paper: A4)
        2. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 9, 10, 12 y 14 (Paper: A4)
        3. DIGITAL (INDIVIDUAL): TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 23, 24 y 25
      9. Homework for wednesday, 20181205:
        1. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 11, 13, 15 y 19 (Paper: A4)
        2. DIGITAL (INDIVIDUAL): TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 29 y 30
      10. Homework for saturday, 20181208 (23:59:59):
        1. DIGITAL (GRUPO): TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 26, 27 y 28
        2. DIGITAL (GRUPO): TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 31 y 32 (Use software "Google My Maps")

      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. TextBook: T02: Texto p. 44 (Paper: A4)
        2. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 3, 4, 5 y 18 (Paper: A4)
        3. TextBook: T02: 04-05: Esquema (Paper: A4: 1 carilla)
      2. Spanish Constitution 40th Aniversary Project (vide supra)
      3. Review of Crown's increasing power during the Early Modern Age alongside with ever demanding need of resources (money) to support it (War, State and Court)
          • ---> new ways to collect money (War, new taxes)
          • ---> Bourgueoisie increased in numbers, as a result of new economic opportunities.
        1. The result was Absolut Monarchy, but not everywhere (in England, Bourgueoisie reach power after 1689: a new model of organization: Parliamentary Monarchy)
        2. Both, in France and England (now Great Britain, after the joining with Scotland in 1707) continued wars lead to 1763 (no enough money in the State to pay increasing expenses. State debts increased very quickly)
          1. In Great Britain, increasing tax pressure on American colonists--> US Independence
          2. In France, increasing state (King) debt (even bigger after supporting american colonists against GB)--> increasing tax pressure -->French Revolution
      4. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (1/3)
      5. Text on French Revolution by Peter Davies, 2009 [2014]
      6. Homework for monday:
        1. TextBook: T02: Texto p. 48, Texto p. 50 (Paper: A4)
        2. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 6, 7, 8, 20, 21 y 22 (Paper: A4)
        3. TextBook: T02: 06, 07 y 08: Esquema (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)
        4. Key Concepts: U02: 03 and 04: Outline (Paper: 1 A4, both sides)

      1. Homework collected (paperwork):
        1. Text Book: T02: Texto p. 40; Texto p. 43 (Paper: A4)
        2. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 1, 2, 16 y 17 (Paper: A4)
      2. Oral Presentations: History of Spain [T01 (04-06) - T04]
        1. Explain de Google Form (see upwards)
      3. Spanish Constitution 40th Aniversary Project: basic information on Wikipedia
        • Posters (Digital or Paper. It is up to you)
          • 3 groups --> 6 pairs + 1 + 1
            • Topics:
              • 1845 Constitution
              • 1856 Constitution (Non nata)
              • 1869 Constitution
              • 1876 Constitution
              • 1931 Constitution
              • 1978 Constitution
              • Introduction -Summary Poster (1 student)
              • Women in Spanish Constitutions (1 student)
        • Deadline: 1/12/2018
        1. Review of Crown's increasing power during the Early Modern Age alongside with ever demanding need of resources (money) to support it (War, State and Court)
            • ---> new ways to collect money (War, new taxes)
            • ---> Bourgueoisie increased in numbers, as a result of new economic opportunities.
          1. The result was Absolut Monarchy, but not everywhere (in England, Bourgueoisie reach power after 1689: a new model of organization: Parliamentary Monarchy)
          2. Both, in France and England (now Great Britain, after the joining with Scotland in 1707) continued wars lead to 1763 (no enough money in the State to pay increasing expenses. State debts increased very quickly)
            1. In Great Britain, increasing tax pressure on American colonists--> US Independence
            2. In France, increasing state (King) debt (even bigger after supporting american colonists against GB)--> increasing tax pressure -->French Revolution
        2. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (1/3)
        3. French Revolution (Texts and Exercises): DL 20181202: 22:30
          1. Text (p.1) on The Declaration of the Rights of Man: personal folder (Digital)
          2. Exercise 1 (p.2): Chronology of the French Revolution: personal folder (Digital)
          3. Exercise 2 (pp. 2-3): Text 1 to 3: Questions A, B, C, D and E: Group Folder (Digital)
          4. Exercise 2 (p. 3): Text 4: personal folder (digital)
        4. Homework for tomorrow:
          1. TextBook: T02: Texto p. 44 (Paper: A4)
          2. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 3, 4, 5 y 18 (Paper: A4)
          3. TextBook: T02: 04-05: Esquema

        1. Homework collected (paperwork)
          1. KC: U02: 01-02: Outline (1 sheet of A4 paper, both sides)
          2. TextBook (TB): T02: 02-03: Esquema (1 A4, both sides)
        2. Review of Crown's increasing power during the Early Modern Age alongside with ever demanding need of resources (money) to support it (War, State and Court)
          1. ---> new ways to collect money (War, new taxes)
          2. ---> Bourgueoisie increased in numbers, as a result of new economic opportunities.
        3. Andrea's presentation on the history of the USA (1/3)
        4. Homework for tomorrow:
          1. Text Book: T02: Texto p. 40; Texto p. 43 (Paper: A4)
          2. TextBook: T02: Ejercicios: 1, 2, 16 y 17 (Paper: A4)

        1. Today Homework
          • TextBook (TB): T02: 01: Esquema (1 A4, both sides)
          • Chronology Worksheet: Sheet 02: American Revolution Chronology (2 columns): Digital on your personal folder.--> Ejemplo de Student 02
        2. Spanish Constitution 40th Aniversary Project: basic information on Wikipedia
          • Posters (Digital or Paper. It is up to you)
            • 3 groups --> 6 pairs + 1 + 1
              • Topics:
                • 1845 Constitution
                • 1856 Constitution (Non nata)
                • 1869 Constitution
                • 1876 Constitution
                • 1931 Constitution
                • 1978 Constitution
                • Introduction -Summary Poster (1 student)
                • Women in Spanish Constitutions (1 student)
          • Deadline: 1/12/2018
        3. Legere Aude Project (Plan de Lectura y Biblioteca)
          • Reading in groups in the Library
            • Once a week (for details have a look to the timetable to the right of the Library Door)
            • Currently reading: García Lorca, Federico, Bodas de Sangre, 1931
            • Assistants and readers will get extra + points in Attitude
              • 1 + for every time you assist to a reading session
              • 2 + when you assist to 80% or more of the sessions for one book
        4. Next day Homework:
          • KC: U02: 01-02: Outline (1 sheet of A4 paper, both sides)
          • TextBook (TB): T02: 02-03: Esquema (1 A4, both sides)
          • Chronology Worksheet: Sheet 02: French Revolution Chronology (2 columns): Digital on your personal folder.
            • DL: 25/11/2018, 20:00
          • Read this document on American Independence and answer the question in a Text document in the Group Folder. COOperative Work
            •  Any member of the group must write a biography of one of the signers of the document (in a text document in every student folder). INdividual Work (must give access to the others group members -reading rights- and the teacher -edition rights-)
            • DL: 25/11/2018, 21:00
        5. T02

        • Political evolution of monarchy from the Middle Ages to the XVIIth century (Review)
        • Science and philosophical evolution from the Middle Ages to the XVIIth century
        • Notetaking: First day for compulsory notetaking
        • Political evolution of monarchy from the Middle Ages to the XVIIth century

        We will go through the basic aspects of History (History, sources of information, chronology and so on). Then we will watch, if possible, a video on the types of sources historians use.


        • 1) HW
        • 2) History: Reviewing some basic aspects
          • 2.1 History
            • History is not a fixed body of knowledge. Rather, it is a discipline that uses source material as evidence to form interpretations.
            • Knowledge of the past (factual) is essential to historical thinking.
            • Debate and discussion is at the heart of the discipline.
            • History studies change and continuty
            • History studies causes and consequences of historical events and processes
          • 2.2 Sources of information
          • 2.3 Chronology (Time)
            • Absolute / Relative Chronology
            • Time scales
              • short term (event)
              • medium term (cojuncture, situation)
              • long term / longue durée (structure)
              • Periodization: making periods of time in historical processes
            • 2.4 Interpretation
              • Historical context
              • Recurring Themes in History
              • Historical interpretations
                • Schools of historical thinking and writing (historiography schools)

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